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Compared to lawn treatment professionals, homeowners tend to over apply pesticides on their lawns.

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Question: Compared to lawn treatment professionals, homeowners tend to over apply pesticides on their lawns.
Top Answer (63% of 399 votes): True.

Answer: True
Explanation: Lawn care is different depending on what grass Is used sod is generally over pesticided
These 2 hands LLC
Answer: True
Explanation: The less chemicals the better.
Honey Do Daddy
Answer: True
Explanation: It’s not true but also not false… There are many different types of pesticides that require specific treatment procedures. Which can be easy to overlook, always follow the instructions on the container! It doesn’t take much to make mistakes when applying pesticides; the main reason it requires licenses and proper training to be able to apply them!
RBC home improvement & cleaning services
Answer: True
Explanation: Pesticides are offer concentrated and without the proper training and equipment it is easy to mix and apply incorrectly.
KC's Maintenance LLC
Answer: True
Explanation: It happens more often than you’d think, Homeowners tend to do so thinking it’s not harmful and safe. Which isn’t the Fact, Pesticides contain chemicals they’re designed to kill living organisms. That being said, it isn’t Avoidable but we can all try to minimize the use of it.
The Seco Lawn
Answer: True
Explanation: Compared to lawn treatment professionals, homeowners often overapply pesticides on their lawns. This overapplication can lead to several issues, such as damaging the lawn, harming beneficial insects, and potentially causing environmental harm due to runoff. Professional lawn care services, like Green Top Lawn Care, use precise application methods and appropriate amounts of pesticides, ensuring effective pest control while minimizing negative impacts on the lawn and surrounding environment.
Green Top Lawn Care
Answer: True
Explanation: Like anything we do, it takes time and patience to learn the methods of any chemical usage
Answer: True
Explanation: They don't know how to measure solutions and water properly.
Answer: True
Explanation: Chemicals are not always good for your lawn
Franklin's Lawn Care
Answer: True
Explanation: Homeowners often tend to overapply pesticides on their lawns compared to lawn treatment professionals. This tendency may arise from a lack of specialized knowledge about appropriate application rates, potential environmental impacts, and the specific needs of the lawn. Lawn treatment professionals are trained to assess and address lawn issues with precision, using the right amount of pesticides to effectively control pests or diseases without causing harm to the environment or the lawn itself. Overapplication of pesticides by homeowners can lead to several problems, including damage to the grass, contamination of water sources, and potential harm to non-target organisms. Lawn treatment professionals, on the other hand, follow industry best practices and regulations, ensuring that pesticides are applied judiciously and in accordance with recommended guidelines. It is essential for homeowners to seek advice from lawn care professionals or follow recommended guidelines when using pesticides to maintain a healthy and thriving lawn while minimizing potential negative impacts.
GreenHand Landscaping
Answer: False
Explanation: The application amount uses depending on two factors really. One being size of property, the other being customers desired amount to what they are spraying for!
Gordon and Sons Services
Answer: True
Explanation: most homeowners have done their research and apply fertilizer/weed killer and other necessary applications properly. However, we also provide accurate information and quality organic materials when needed depending on the time of year and applications needed to obtain the desired changes.
CTB Landscaping
Answer: True
Explanation: More isn’t better, you never want to over apply any pesticides.
Mr. Skyler’s Lawn Care
Answer: True
Explanation: Just like cutting the grass too low in intense heat too much pesticide can burn or kill the grass
Cuttin-up Lawn Care And Grounds Maintenance
Answer: False
Explanation: Home owners tend to not fertilize enough
Bkd Home Services llc
Answer: True
Explanation: Over the many years we have been in business, we have gotten calls to customers houses and when we get there they explain to us the unneeded large amount of chemicals that they used for a simple lawn/ pesticide treatment
WB Lawn & Landscape
Answer: True
Explanation: Cause they're not sure how to properly use it
Midwest four seasons landscaping
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: That is a very opaque and vague assessment
Thunder Struck Handyman LLC
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: I’m not sure about this question.
Nathan’s lawn care
Answer: True
Explanation: They never know how much to use. Some think more is better is reality less sometimes is ideal.
Tony's Lawn Cre
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: Every one tends to apply pesticides at different ratios weather it be by following the instructions on the back of the product or by applying a little more or a little less than indicated
TC's lanwcare
Answer: True
Explanation: , pesticides can offer an effective control solution. But lawn pesticides also can be useless (and dangerous) if misapplied
A Step Above Lawn Care Service
Answer: False
Explanation: I think this answer probably changes based on your geographica. Where I live in Oregon mist people don't seem to use much pesticides on their lawn.
Jim Handy Lawn & Handyman Services
Answer: True
Explanation: Over spray
Design by Lopez
Answer: False
Explanation: most homeowners I've met have never attempted to use pesticides.
J & E lawncare LLC
Answer: False
Explanation: With our experience most homeowners do not treat their lawns enough to eradicate pests.
Sweet Pea Landscaping LLC
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: This question is based on Job to job situation.
Answer: True
Explanation: It can be very harmful
Anthony Scott’s lawn service
Answer: False
Explanation: Every yard is unique and requires different application amounts to be fully successful
LKT TimeSavers
Answer: True
Explanation: Pros read instructions
TJB-INC Landscape & Drainage Contractor
Answer: True
Explanation: Yes. Especially on early spring when weeds start to show.
Paradise Lawn & Landscaping Service's
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: We do not do pesticides.
B- Sharp Property Maintenance
Answer: True
Explanation: We know exactly when ,what and how much to apply
Carolina Ground Solutions Inc
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: This is dependent on how often they are applied. Sometimes even professional companies will over apply
Westfall landscaping
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: it is possible.
All Year Property Care
Answer: True
Explanation: You have to be careful when applying any pesticides. It needs to be spread out properly in your yard but applied a little thicker in bad areas. You can easily over apply fertilizer and kill your grass. That's why you need professionals with education about pesticides.
Carolinas Finest Services
Answer: True
Explanation: I work for a few companies that I've seen that we've gone in as install removal of plants because of over frying with pesticides
Cuts by J
Answer: True
Explanation: Homeowners tend to believe more is better. However applying more than the specified directions can actually have the opposite effect.
Glatfelter Property Services
Answer: True
Explanation: Homeowners tend to put what ever amount they think is enough and professionals now exactly how much to use.
Done 2 Perfection (handyman/lawn services)
Answer: False
Explanation: Allot just use strong ones n end up using too much
K @ G Lawn Care and Landscaping
Answer: True
Explanation: Most customers Think that more is better when it comes to fertilizing pesticide
Answer: False
Explanation: They under treat their lawns.
Lawn Ranger
Answer: True
Explanation: Trying to keep bugs out of the garden
Answer: True
Explanation: Some homeowners are not familiar with proper application process ..
Aries Landscape & Construction
Answer: True
Explanation: Many homeowners do not read label instructions, or calibrate the equipment properly.
MissionGreen Services
Answer: True
Explanation: Yes or they dont do it enough and and end up spending double to do it right the 1st time
Crestview Property Maintenance
Answer: True
Explanation: MOst home owners believe more is always better which is not true
Cuyahoga Property Maintenance
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: Not sure what customers are using or the amount used.
Jc Lawn Care, LLC
Answer: True
Explanation: Due to not having the knowledge of when and what to apply.
Cedar Ridge Landscaping LLC
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: Some may over apply, however I believe most follow the instructions on their product labels
J&M Landscaping
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: This can vary depending on owner. Those who research do good and those who do not tend to create more problems.
TH Lawn and Maintenance Service
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: 1. Avoid spraying over impervious surfaces. 2. Do not spray on a windy day. 3. Do not apply to bare or eroding soil. 4. Do not apply near water systems such as wells, streams, and lakes.
Phocas Landscape
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: That depends on the homeowner and the lawn treatment professional. I have seen homeowners do a better job on there lawn than professionals, and I have seen professionals do better than homeowners.
Landmark lawncare
Answer: True
Explanation: WE have come to the rescue of many home owners over the years that have overapplied fertilizer and burned their grass
Integra Holiday lighting and decor
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: Some do and others dont attempt to.
Larry Pierce Lawn/Landscaping
Answer: False
Explanation: I haven't ran into this problem much with my clients. We take care of all of their lawn care needs to include fertilizers, and Pesticides.
Operation Clean Cutz Lawn Care LLC
Answer: True
Explanation: A lot of times homeowners over treat due to lack of knowledge
Roop's Lawn Services, LLC
Answer: False
Explanation: Most people don't put pesticides on their lawn but the ones that do usually then to over apply the ratio
Answer: True
Mr. Green Acres
Answer: True
Explanation: Homeowners are not sure how much to use and if the lawn looks like it really needs a heavy dose of treatment, they tend to go overboard on accident. I have seen some lawns in really bad shape because of over use of pesticides.
Greater Greens Lawn Care & Snow Removal
Answer: True
Explanation: Most people do not read the instructions and think the more chemicals they apply the faster the weeds will go away. The main thing to remember is your yard is not going to look super over night. It takes time and patience.
Three Men Lawn
Answer: True
Explanation: No Proper Trainning
Answer: True
Explanation: Homeowners in my experience either apply to much or too little pesticide in their treatments. They are usually not familiar with the proper measurements for the pesticide they are using or dont use proper measuring techniques or equipment.
Carolina Lawn Worx
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: I am not sure how the customers apply the fertilizer or pesticides we use a great spreader that will spread the fertilizer and pesticides evenly though out the property
Midwest Ground Effects, Inc.
Answer: True
Explanation: Home owners do not measure out the proper amount needed. They just apply.
Lawns By Glen
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: To be honest there are homeowners who know more about lawn treatment then a lawn tech. So I would say everyone is equal in that feild. As long as you follow directions that you will do the treatment correct.
Mom's Cleaning LLC
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: I think this depends on how much knowledge the home owner has about lawns and pesticides.
Backyard Boys Enterprise, LLC
Answer: True
Explanation: People tend to over fertilize Andover apply if your fertilizer says 1 ounce per gallon put a little under an ounce most people think just because I'm adding something a little more would do a little better actually sometimes it doesn't more harm or makes it take longer to develop so yes this is true
Carders Tree & Landscaping
Answer: True
Explanation: They typically apply whatever is in the bag.
Walkers Green, Inc
Answer: True
Explanation: OTC product cant be fully trusted. i.e. During my first couple of years in the business I used OTC products like fertilizer. This product claimed it could be used Any Time of year. I applied the correct amount on a high end yard. Two weeks later the entire yard was dying?! When I contacted the company's support I was informed that there was a disclaimer on the bag (in 3 point font) that it should not be used once the temp. approached 80. This lesson cost me a tractor-trailer worth of sod and two days labor. Now I use and recommend only Professional products purchased from a Local Landscape supplier. Not only do you get a superior product but good advice is free.
Money$ Worth Lawn Maintenance
Answer: True
Explanation: A lot of homeowners will read something online that says you can never apply too many pesticides to your lawn. However this can actually be very damaging to your lawn. Always consult with a professional first.
Clearly Better Properties
Answer: True
Explanation: In most cases a professional will do a better job using the right equipment and right amount.
Affordable Lawn and Landscaping
Answer: True
Explanation: Being certified, professional employees are trained on when and how much to apply.
Timberworx Tree and Landscaping
Answer: True
Explanation: The majority of my customers like to fertilize their own yards and they will ask me for advice to ensure that they are doing it properly.
Salinas Lawn Services
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: Some are not sure how much to apply. They may over apply but they may also under apply. Unless the homeowner does the research and learns about it they will not do it correctly. That is the job of the professionals to know what they are doing.
M&G Lawncare
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