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How often should you fertilize your lawn?

Once a year
Twice a year
Three times a year
Four times a year
Five times a year
Six times a year
Not sure
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Question: How often should you fertilize your lawn?
Top Answer (29% of 44 votes): Twice a year.

Answer: Three times a year
Explanation: I do a beginning of the season fertilize I do a mid-season and I do a fall fertilize
Your bros pro lawn services
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: Depends on your location, how often you want to mow and the condition of your lawn.
GrassHoppers Lawn Enforcement LLC
Answer: Six times a year
Explanation: It all depends on what you want your yard to look like the nice yards that dont have any weeds and is perfect the fertilize around 6 times a year
Carolina Ground Solutions Inc
Answer: Three times a year
Explanation: Soring , summer and fall
Lawn Ranger
Answer: Five times a year
Explanation: Each lawn is different, while I recommend 5 times a year, the right answer depending on where you are in the US can determine the amount of "N" you will need. Most cool season grasses need 3-5 lbs per year. Research shows the cool season grasses take up most of the "N" in the Spring and Fall.
MissionGreen Services
Answer: Five times a year
Explanation: Really depends on what type of services you want. Fertilizer applications go from 4 to 7 applications per year
Cuyahoga Property Maintenance
Answer: Five times a year
Explanation: Pre emergent 3xweed/feed and post emergent
Larry Pierce Lawn/Landscaping
Answer: Twice a year
Explanation: f you live in southern areas where lawns feature warm-season grasses, fertilize turf in late spring or early summer, just before grass kicks into high gear. Make a second application in late summer. If your warm-season lawn goes dormant in winter, don't fertilize after the first of September.
Selena's Landscape, Design & Tree Service, LLC
Answer: Five times a year
Explanation: 5 steps is more than enough
Midwest Ground Effects, Inc.
Answer: Four times a year
Explanation: For bermuda and zoysia 4 times a year in the spring and summer months. For centipede, only 2 times per year in the spring and summer months. For fescue, 4 times a year in the fall and early spring months.
Walkers Green, Inc
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